
I am an organizer, booker, DJ and performer.

Currently I am the artistic director at SchwuZ, one of the largest queer clubs in Berlin, that has existed for 40 years. Besides organizing varying parties for a diverse LGBTIQ audience I conceptualize and organize a wide range of events such as concerts, shows, exhibitions, film screenings and panel discussions.

I hold a master’s degree in gender studies and philosophy and have been involved in queer activism and event organization since 2005. This includes festivals, conferences, shows, parties, fundraising-events and workshops. I am the host/emcee at different shows, political events, rallies and panel discussions and I have performed solo and in groups and also appeared in movies, documentaries, music-videos and theatre plays.

As a genderqueer trans*man my creativity is to some extent consumed by the survival in the everyday life but also fueled by the will to change a heteronormative system and stand up against intersecting forms of discrimination.


Selected publications:

  • TRANSMASCULINITIES Calendar 2011 – Pictures From Beyond the Malestream, nono-Verlag, Berlin, 2010.
  • “Queer Femininities, Tunten & Femmes, politisch?”, in: Hugs and Kisses – tender to all gender, edited by Christiane Stephans, Hamburg, 2010.
  • “Straight Queer Mainstream – Another Brick in the Wall”, in: Dig me out * Discourses on popular music, gender and ethnicity, A DVD-publication edited my María José Belbel and Rosa Reitsamer, Donostia/San Sebastian, 2009.
  • queer leben – queer labeln: wissenschaftskritische Kopfmassagen, fwpf-Verlag, Gütersloh, 2008.

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